
At St. Joseph’s Kingswood, we place great importance on the development of leadership amongst our children. Our year 5 and 6 children are elected to fill a range of Leadership roles, including School Captains, Ambassadors, School Spirit, House Leaders and Eco-Warriors. Students take these roles very seriously, and they are guided in their leadership endeavours by a mentor teacher. School Leaders assist with School Tours, attend community functions, lead our weekly prayer, and oversee our House system, as well as assisting the school to keep a strong focus on ecological sustainability. A strong feature of our Senior Student Leadership is their mentoring of our younger children through our buddy system. Children beginning in Reception are buddied with a senior student, who assists with their transition to school.


In addition to our senior student leadership, we have a strong Student Representative Council (SRC) system in place. Students meet regularly with their mentor teacher to contribute to the effective running of the school.


At St. Joseph’s Kingswood we have a House System, whereby children are a part of one of our three houses – Mackillop, Tenison and McCormack – named after important people from our Josephite heritage. In addition to leading our Sports Carnvial, House Leaders build school spirit and camaraderie through a series of “house days” which also focus on Social Justice.


Other leadership roles in our school include a Peer mediation system in the school yard, and traffic warden support.